Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Sunday Tradition

Let me just start off by saying that this really should be a 'Ben Entry' but since he has not gotten around to it, I will share his other new hobby here in Prague...the Beer Jug.

Something that is quite remarkable about Prague is that there is no Container Law here. As soon as you feel up to drinking in public, it's a go. College students, Bachelor Party members, and Revelers alike can be found at any hour of the day walking down the street with an open beer in hand. The same can be said for rolling and smoking your own 'funny cigarettes' but that is another tale for another day...

Back to the Beer Jug. Apparently it is a traditional as old as time itself to enjoy a good beer (pivo) whenever, wherever, and in whatever quantity you see fit... and we are not one to shun a Country's tradition just because it differs from our own :)

A little history...Vasil Bilak (no hero to the Czech people as he fought for the 'rape of Czechoslovakia) said it all with his famous quote "Beer is bread to the Czechs!" No other nation on this planet consumes more beer than the Czech Republic - this is a known fact that cannot be denied - and they are quite proud of their history of creation, quality, and consumption.

Thus said, it is of no surprise that it was once the chore of all little boys and girls to trot over to the closest pub with the Family Beer Jug, have it filled, and bring it home to their waiting parents.

Since neither Alex or Logan can undertake this endeavor quite yet, it has become a Sunday tradition for Ben to head over to the restaurant across the street and get our own beer jug filled. Our silver pitcher holds 4 1/2 pivos and it costs less than sitting in the establishment and using their staff and glassware. This last weekend the bartender tried in vain to get 5 glasses into the jug but it just was not happening so he handed Ben the 1/2 glass remaining and let him finish it off before heading home.

The only issue we seem to have is that they cannot make up their minds as to what they should be charging us...sometimes it is 87 cz and other times it is 112 cz. We are not sure if they are giving us different beer each time - which would cause the price difference - but either way, we are getting close to 5 beers for between $4.35 and $6 USD, can go over for unlimited refills, and do not have to deal with any of the nuisances of drinking out! There are only two things that would make Ben happier in regard to this new hobby...a lift in our building (8 flights can be pretty daunting after a pitcher) and a Larger Beer Jug!


Blogger Phasst said...

Did I read the part about "unlimited refills" right? That could get ugly. Like the open container rule, it's also something you won't see in the US.

November 28, 2007 2:06 PM  

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